Building Hairstylists Behind The Chair & Behind The Business

Are you aĀ stylistĀ looking for education that explains the why, not just the how?
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I love teaching people things.
Seriously, I love when people come to me for advice. In life and in business, I love connecting with people who have a passion for entrepeneurship and deep relationships.
My gift is explaining the little and big details so you can see the whole scope of what you're trying to learn, and creating systems and structures to streamline your life and business
I've done everything from being an apprentice, independent stylist, salon owner, and educator. In 2015 I became a mom, but I didn't stop pushing for my dream. Now I have 3 kids (a pair of twins in there) and a husband who supports my entrepeneurial lifestyle. My favorite quote is "you can do hard things", because I know what i've gone through has been incredibly challenging but incredibly worth it. I'm here to support you so you can do the hard things too!
Education for Stylists and Clients
Courses created from solving the everyday problems I've encountered through my career as a hairstylist