The Actual Reason You're Being Held Back

cycle syncing lack of discipline productivity optimization setting small goals May 09, 2023
Why you lack discipline to reach your goals

I wish this reason wasn't the case,

because I suffer from it too at times. I have a couple tips I want to share on what helps me---and it might not be what you think!

It's easy to get caught up in the high of starting something new and forget that the real work comes in the daily grind. The dream brewing in your head feels so tangible, but then...Burnout comes. Inspiration fizzles out. The hills become higher and harder and you begin to lose excitement.

The real reason you're being held back from your truest potential- Is your lack of discipline. Discipline by definition is:activity or experience that provides mental or physical training. When motivation, inspiration, and excitement fault, being disciplined in your actions towards reaching your goals has to supersede.

When we lack discipline, we tend to procrastinate and put things off until the last minute. This not only increases stress and anxiety but also leads to poor quality work and missed opportunities. It's important to remember that discipline isn't about being perfect. It's about consistently showing up and doing the work, even when it's hard or uncomfortable.

Something that has really helped me is setting small goals for myself. My favorite allegory my husband ever told me was "how do you eat an elephant?"..."One bite at a time". When I feel overwhelmed, I remind myself that I can take action now with baby steps. Or small bites. Ha

Of course, setting small goals doesn't mean you won't face challenges or setbacks along the way. But by taking things one step at a time, you'll be better equipped to handle those challenges and keep moving forward.

The other thing that helps me that might seem kinda weird---is cycle syncing. What am I talking about? It's about having awareness of your emotions/mood/body throughout the four stages of your menstrual cycle. As your hormones fluctuate, so does your mood, energy level, and productivity.

if you're someone who struggles with mood swings, low energy, or just wants to optimize your daily routine, consider giving cycle syncing a try. Hone into your follicular and ovulation phase where your energy and creativity is at its peak!

My last tip for all you over achievers out there is to just cut yourself some slack at times. If you're anything like me, I'll get hyper focused on one thing at a time and neglect other things like my family or self. When burnout sets in, remind yourself that you have the talent and everything you need is inside of you, but listen to what that burnout is telling you. Fill your cup and fill the cups of others that matter to you and you'll feel like you can refocus your energy into your dreams that light you up!

So if you're feeling like lack of discipline is holding you back, know that you're not alone. It's a struggle that many of us face. But by taking small steps, setting achievable goals, and building routines that support our goals, we can all work on building the discipline we need to succeed.

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